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Like networking, databases are equally as critical, and you should ensure you understand them well enough to maintain them. Everything we're doing with computers is about the transporting and storage of information. Everything you do eventually ends up as data. Some of that data is stored and processed and some is processed and then let go. But most applications online are using databases to keep your data secure, make it available to you, do some work on it, etc.

What I'm saying here is data is important, and the storage of it is something you'll be heavily involved in. You don't have to learn data structures, high level math, or even anything all that complex, but you will be involved.

As someone moving into a career in IT, you need to know the differences between the various types of options available, what they can and cannot do, how to host them, backup the data inside them, and more.

So in this part of the course, we're going to look at a few database types, the various engines available to us (there are quite a few so I've listed some very common ones below), hosting options and then finally some SQL - a very valuable skill for you to learn.

Key Points#